FFA & 4H County Fair’s
Fair Season…. May 8th – Aug 1st

No divides for lambs or Goats. – 4 chops per pkg Minimum
Hogs….1/2 divides if requested – 3 chops per pkg Minimum
Beef…1/2 & 1/4 divides if requested – 2 steaks per pkg Minimum
- No Hang Only’s….all animals received will be cut.
- Only 1 choice of sausage flavor per order.
- 25# fresh linked sausages available during fair season, but due to the extreme Hog numbers you will be required to come 2X for pick up. linked sausages finished late AUG-SEPT call for more details.
- Limited Freezer Space available during Fair Season (May-August). We will not have space in the freezer to save extra things like fat, skin, or bones (except small beef dog bones) at this time of year.


This is an average, every animal is different.
Your Personal cutting instruction will also change the finished weight.
1100 – 1450 lbs Live weight
650 – 900 lbs Carcuss weight
600 – 800 lbs Dry aged weight
300 – 450 lbs Packaged weight
230 – 300 lbs Live weight
160 – 230 lbs Carcuss weight
100 – 170 lbs Packaged weight
Lambs – Goats
90 – 150 lbs Live weight
50 – 95 lbs Carcuss weight
30 – 60 lbs Packaged weight
Lambs need about 5 cubic feet of freezer space
Hogs need about 10-12 cubic feet of freezer space
Beef need about 20 cubic feet of freeze space
2023 FAIR “only” PRICES

New…cutting instructions ONLINE. Ear Tag# needed
- BEEF $1.65lb + $100 Freezer fee.
- HOGS $350 Each +$50 Freezer Fee
- SMOKING $1.75lb extra
- BULK SAUSAGE $1.75lb extra
- LAMBS & GOATS $200 each + $25 Freezer Fee
- 5% Rendering Boxing fee added to all processing
- DISCOUNTS for Cash payments & DISCOUNTS for 7day PICK-UP
- Animal LIMITS will be made for quality and space reasons, don’t argue with the fair staff we have given them strict limits